Òåñò: Pharmaceutical terminology (Lesson ¹3)

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1. All the names of chemical elements are always written with ...

1) both capital and small
2) small letter
3) capital letter

2. Latin names of chemical elements are ...

1) 3rd declension neuter gender
2) 4th declension neuter gender
3) 2nd declension neuter gender
4) 1st declension

3. Two chemical elements are NOT second declension, neuter gender. It is ...

1) zinc and silver
2) sulphur and phosphor
3) magnium and iron
4) sulphur and fluorine

4. The chemical element "magnesium" has two Latin names

1) Magnisium and Magneum.
2) Magnium and Magnesium.
3) Magne and Magnese.
4) Magnorum and Magnium.

5. The chemical element fluorine has two Latin names

1) Fthorum and Phluōrum
2) Phthororum and Fluōrorum
3) Phtorum and Flurum
4) Phthorum and Fluōrum

6. Symbol of Calcium is ...

1) Ca
2) Cl
3) C
4) Cu

7. Symbol of lead is ...

1) Pb
2) Ph
3) Pm
4) Pk

8. Latin names of oxides, hydroxides and peroxides consist of two words:

1) name of a chemical element and the word “oxide
2) name of a chemical element and the word “hydroxide”
3) name of a chemical element and the word “oxide, hydroxide, peroxide”
4) name of a medicinal plant and the word “oxide, hydroxide, peroxide”

9. The translation of the word "oxide"

1) oxydis, is f
2) oxyda, ae f
3) oxydus, i m
4) oxydum, i n

10. The translation of the word "hydroxide"

1) hydroxidis, is f
2) hydroxydum, i n
3) hydroxida, ae f
4) hydroxidus, i m

11. The translation of the word "peroxide"

1) peroxydum, i n
2) peroxida, ae f
3) peroxydis, is f
4) peroxidus, i m

12. The translation of the chemical term : aluminium hydroxide

1) Aluminii hydrox¢di
2) Aluminii hydrox¢da
3) Aluminii hydrox¢dus
4) Aluminii hydrox¢dum

13. The translation of the chemical term: of hydrogen peroxide

1) Hydrogenii perox¢dae
2) Hydrogeni perox¢di
3) Hydrogenii perox¢di
4) Hydrogenii perox¢dis

14. What do the latin names of acids consist of?

1) of the word Acidum, i n and the adjective denoting the name of the acid of female
2) of the word Acidum, i n and the verb
3) of the word Acidum, i n and the adjective denoting the name of the oxide
4) of the word Acidum, i n and the adjective denoting the name of the acid of neuter gender

15. hydrochloric acid

1) Acĭdi hydrochlorĭcum
2) Acĭdium hydrochlorĭcum
3) Acĭdum hydrochlorĭci
4) Acĭdum hydrochlorĭcum

16. of sulfurous acid

1) Acĭdi sulfurōsum
2) Acĭdi sulfurōsi
3) Acĭdum sulfurōsi
4) Acĭdi sulfurōsium

17. Acĭdum carbolĭcum

1) carbolic acide
2) carbonous acid
3) carbolic acid
4) carbonic acid

18. Acĭdi citrĭci

1) to citric acid
2) without citric acid
3) of citric acid
4) with citric acid

19. What does liquorice mean?

1) poisonous root
2) useful root
3) green root
4) sweet root

20. What does Chamomilla mean?

1) earth apple
2) earth berry
3) marshmellow
4) white flower