Тест: Spotlight 8 module 7

Для вашего удобства здесь отображаются также баллы за ответы на вопросы теста. Но не беспокойтесь, они видны только вам, другие пользователи видят просто список вопросов. И этот текст тоже видите только вы.

Список вопросов

1. What year is it? In nineteen eighty eight the national curriculum was introduced.

1) 1989 0
2) 1998 0
3) 1988 1

2. Fill in. The national curriculum is ..................for learning. It was brought in to standardize learning across the country so that all students were learning the same things.

1) a framework 1
2) a structure 0
3) a base 0

3. Fill in. We have state schools and private schools or independent schools.A ................. is a school that's free

1) state school 1
2) university 0
3) private 0

4. Как сказать по-английски "вступительный экзамен"

1) oral exam 0
2) entrance exam 1
3) exit exam 0

5. Как сказать по-английски "пересдать экзамен"

1) to relose an exam 0
2) to retake an examination 1
3) to take control 0

6. Как переводятся из слова песни певицы "Pink" - don't let me down

1) не горюй по мне 0
2) не отпускай мня 0
3) не подводи меня 1

7. Fill in. In addition to private schools or independent schools we also have .......... These are a group of schools that are the most expensive, the most elite if you will. For example we've got Eton, Harrow Cheltenham Ladies College. These are the kinds of schools that royalty go to for example Prince Harry and Prince William both went to Eton.

1) public schools 1
2) republic universities 0
3) colleges 0

8. Как переводится на русский язык следующее выражение: that's the spirit!

1) так не надо,призрак 0
2) это чей-то дух 0
3) так держать! 1

9. Fill in. Primary school is the first school you'll go to. It's from ................ years old.

1) five to eleven 1
2) seven to nine 0
3) eight - thirteen 0

10. Fill in. Secondary school is from ............................ as well.

1) eleven to sixteen or sometimes eighteen 1
2) twelve to sixteen 0
3) eleven to nineteen 0

11. What grade are you in at school?

1) I'm in the eighth grade 1
2) I'm in the nineth grade 0
3) I'm in the seventh grade 0