Тест: Артикли,to be(p.simple)

Список вопросов

1. I have got ....doll. ....doll is beautifule.

1) a,an
2) a,the
3) the,the

2. Поставь верные артикли(a,an,the) словам:....apple,....milk,.....cheese,.....bananas,....book,....magazines,....hat

1) an,the,the,the,a,the,a
2) the,the,a,an,a,an,the
3) a,a,a,an,the,a,the

3. There are.... two chairs in the living room. ....chairs are green.

1) the,-
2) a,the
3) -,the

4. На кровати лежит кот.У кота длинные усы.

1) There is an cat on a bed.The cat has got a long whiskers.
2) There is the cat on the bed.A cat has got long whiskers.
3) There is a cat on the bed.The cat has got long whiskers.

5. The dog is big and very angry.

1) не знаю
2) не верно
3) верно

6. There .... .....big tiger at ....zoo.

1) was,a,the
2) were,a,the
3) were,the,the

7. She ..... at ... record shop yesterday.

1) were,a
2) was,-
3) was,the

8. Sally and Nick ... very happy yesterday.

1) was
2) were
3) -

9. Lilly .... at the concert but her sisters ... there.

1) was,wasn`t
2) was,weren`t
3) were,was

10. Лизы не было дома вчера вечером.

1) Liza wasn`t at home eyesterday evening
2) Liza was at home eyesterday evening
3) Liza weren`t at home eyesterday evening