Тест: Способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке.

Список вопросов

1. He _______be 17 next month.

1) is going
2) will

2. I think she _______ become a doctor one day.

1) is going to
2) will

3. He has put on his coat. He ______________ leave.

1) is going to
2) will

4. It’s getting dark. I __________ turn on the light.

1) am going to
2) will

5. I’ve just met Ann. We _________ go to the cinema next week.

1) are going to
2) will

6. Sorry, I am busy. I __________ call you back.

1) am going to
2) will

7. I think she ___________ study all day tomorrow.

1) will
2) is going to

8. They _________ spend their weekends in the country.

1) will
2) are going to