Тест: Тест на уровень английского языка

Список вопросов

1. There ... a lot of beautiful flowers in the garden.

1) -
2) are
3) is

2. He is ... intelligent student in our group. (самый)

1) more
2) less
3) the most

3. There isn't ... milk left in the fridge.

1) a
2) any
3) some

4. His uncle ... a collection of sports cars in his garage.

1) Does
2) Has
3) Have

5. The police ... investigating this case at the moment.

1) are
2) was
3) is

6. There is ... man near the door. ... man is our driver.

1) the, a
2) a, a
3) a, the

7. You ... your keys! It drives me crazy!

1) are always losing
2) have always been losing
3) always lose

8. My doctor says that I ... take this medicine three times a day.

1) must
2) should
3) need to

9. - I ... to the party tonight. I ... with you.

1) am going, will go
2) will go, will go
3) will go, am going

10. Ann still can't … how to drive.

1) teach
2) study
3) learn

11. Agatha Christy ... a lot of detective stories during her life.

1) wrote
2) was writing
3) has written

12. My elder sister doesn’t have any bad habits. She ... smokes ... drinks alcohol.

1) Both, and
2) Neither, nor
3) Either, or

13. Let’s go to the cinema this weekend, ... ?

1) Will we
2) Do we
3) Shall we

14. If I ... you, I ... up with this guy. He doesn't suit you at all, can’t you see it?

1) had been, would have broken
2) were, would break
3) am, will break

15. Подберите синоним к фразовому глаголу в данном предложении: I can’t put up with this hard work anymore!

1) fulfill
2) continue
3) tolerate

16. May I ask you to ... a photo, please?

1) take
2) do
3) make

17. I have ... time as you have.

1) twice as much
2) two times much
3) twice

18. Как перевести с английского поговорку «What goes around, comes around»?

1) Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из труда
2) Что посеешь, то и пожнёшь
3) Ходить вокруг да около

19. I ... go earlier, as I don’t want to miss the train.

1) would like to
2) would rather
3) had better

20. I have already got used to ... early.

1) got up
2) getting up
3) get up

21. Более точный перевод: Его английский оставляет желать лучшего. His English...

1) leaves much to be desired
2) needs improving
3) should be better

22. You ... have gone to the country in such bad weather.

1) mustn’t
2) needn’t
3) shouldn’t

23. ... in London for many years, he knew the city well.

1) Living
2) Having lived
3) Lived

24. Олегу вчера разбили нос в драке.

1) Oleg broke his nose in a fight yesterday.
2) Oleg had broken his nose in a fight yesterday.
3) Oleg had his nose broken in a fight yesterday.

25. He ... a new watch as my old one was 5 minutes slow.

1) suggested that I should buy
2) suggested me to buy
3) suggested to me buying