Тест: Module 7 - IN ALL WEATHER - Sportlight

Список вопросов

1. It's not very cold. Sometimes it rains. It is windy now. We are raking leaves. What season is it?

1) summer
2) autumn
3) spring

2. It's freezing. I am wearing ......

1) jacket, scarf, gloves, boots
2) T-shirt, shorts, trainers
3) raincoat, hat, shoes

3. What do you think of my dress?

1) It's like.
2) It looks great on you.
3) It's good.

4. What is the weather like today?

1) It's fabulous!
2) It's heavy.
3) It's short.

5. It's summer now. It's hot and sunny. I am ....

1) going skiing
2) making a snowman
3) going camping

6. Alaska is in the northwest corner of .....

1) the USA
2) the UK
3) Canada

7. The climate of Alaska is ....

1) cold and rainy
2) cold and snowy
3) cold and cool

8. At the shop: What size are you? - ...

1) I am a size 16 collar.
2) I am 16 size.
3) I am 16 years old.

9. At the shop: ...... - That's 15 pounds, please.

1) How can I help you?
2) How much is it?
3) What about this one?

10. Какой звук объединяет слова shop, shoes, shirt?

1) [ h ]
2) [ tʃ ]
3) [ ʃ ]