Тест: Module 3 - MY HOME, MY CASTLE - Sportlight 5

Список вопросов

1. What is this room? There is a fridge, a cooker, a sink, a table in this room.

1) living room
2) kitchen
3) bathroom

2. I live on the fifth floor. I live in the ...

1) room
2) house
3) block of flats

3. It is a living room. There ... two armchairs next to the sofa.

1) are
2) isn't
3) is

4. Complete the sentence: This is Mila. This is .... bag.

1) my
2) she
3) her

5. Complete the sentences with the preposition of place: I live .... a flat. There are two rooms ... our flat. A sofa ... a living room. A computer is .... living rom too.

1) under
2) in
3) on

6. What is a typical English house?

1) a castle
2) a block of flats
3) a semi-detached house

7. What is there in a living room of a typical English house?

1) fairplace
2) picture
3) stairs

8. Taj Mahal is fantastic building in ...

1) America
2) India
3) Europa

9. Taj Mahal is one of the .... Wonders of Modern World.

1) six
2) seven
3) eight

10. Какой звук объединяет слова BEDROOM, NOON, SPOON

1) [ u: ]
2) [ u ]
3) [ o ]