Тест: Проверочная работа по разделу 1«Родная страна и страна изучаемого языка»

Список вопросов

1. Which city is the capital of Ireland?

1) London
2) Dublin
3) Yorkshire

2. When Kate thinks of Russia, ... Каким из этих вариантов нельзя закончить предложение?

1) she imagines the Kremlin
2) she comes the Kremlin to her mind
3) the Kremlin comes to her mind

3. Russian people ... friendly and nice.

1) is thinking that
2) thinks being
3) are thought to be

4. ... in Britain really like to drink tea.

1) A people
2) Peoples
3) People

5. British people think that Russians are very patriotic and friendly to foreigners. Как правильно построить предложение в косвенной речи?

1) Russians are thought to be very patriotic and friendly to foreigners.
2) British are thought to be very patriotic and friendly to foreigners about Russians.
3) Russians think to be very patriotic and friendly to foreigners.

6. Что такое «traffic jam»?

1) Домашнее варенье
2) Автомобильная авария
3) Дорожная пробка

7. What is the official language ... Great Britain?

1) of
2) for
3) that