Тест: Bio1978

Список вопросов

1. Medical ethics as a part of medicine exists and develops more than

1) 200 years
2) one century
3) one millennium

2. An invaluable role in the development of the principles of medical ethics was played by

1) H. Ford
2) Hammurapi
3) Hippocrates

3. The basic principle in the "Hippocratic model of medical ethics is the rule of

1) do good
2) do not harm
3) be kind with your patients

4. The second historical form of medical ethics ("do good") is the understanding the relationship of doctor and patient that had developed

1) in the Middle Ages
2) in the 18th century
3) in the 19th century

5. The basic moral principle, emerging within the boundaries of Paracelsus' Model is the principle of

1) be honest
2) do not harm

6. Ethics section, which deals with debt problems and moral requirements is

1) biomedical ethics
2) medical ethics
3) Deontology

7. The term "deontology" was introduced by

1) Hippocrates
2) Jeremy Bentham
3) Immanuel Kant

8. An interdisciplinary field of knowledge covering a wide range of philosophical and ethical issues arising from the rapid development of medical and biological sciences and the use of high-tech health service is

1) Medical ethics
2) Biomedical ethics
3) Bioethics

9. An interdisciplinary research field that combines medical and biological knowledge and human values; this systematic study of human behavior in the light of moral values and principles within the life sciences and health is

1) Biomedical ethics
2) Bioethics
3) Medical ethics

10. A relatively self-contained complex in biomedical ethics, consisting of two interconnected parts: - medical axiology (the study of professional values); - medical deontology (the study of proper behavior in the exercise of professional activity) is a

1) Biomedical ethics
2) Bioethics
3) Medical ethics

11. Ethical principles of biomedical research at first were identified and justified in

1) the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
2) the Declaration of Helsinki
3) the Nuremberg Code

12. The principle of BME, is required to obtain the consent of the patient or subject to any interference in the sphere of health (hospitalization, treatment or research assignment) is

1) Voluntary
2) Informed consent
3) The autonomy of the individual

13. An international document regulating the principles of conducting medical experiments on people, developed and adopted in 1947

1) the Nuremberg Code

14. The practice of terminating the life of a human or animal suffering from an incurable disease, experiencing unbearable suffering, in meeting requests without medical indications in a painless or minimally painful form, in order to reduce suffering is

1) Euthanasia
2) Mercy
3) Murder

15. There are two types of euthanasia:

1) voluntary and compulsory
2) independent and dependent
3) passive and active

16. Deliberate termination of medical treatment of the patient support is a (an)

1) active euthanasia
2) voluntary euthanasia
3) passive euthanasia

17. Administration of dying of drugs or other actions which entail a quick death is a(an)

1) voluntary euthanasia
2) active euthanasia
3) passive euthanasia

18. There are _____ basic models of relationships in the "doctor-patient" system

1) 5
2) 2
3) 4

19. A model within which a doctor behaves as an applied scientist, avoiding value judgments, moral issues is

1) A model of collegial type
2) A model of the sacral type
3) A model of a technical type

20. A model which turns a doctor into a priest, caring more for the soul than for the body; the basic moral principle of this type is "by helping the patient, do not harm him is

1) a contractual model
2) a model of collegial type
3) a model of the sacral type

21. A model which suggests that the doctor and the patient should see each other in their colleagues, striving for the common goal of eliminating the disease and protecting the patient's health is

1) A model of a technical type
2) a model of the sacral type
3) a model of collegial type

22. A model based on a contract or agreement is

1) a contractual model
2) a model of collegial type
3) a model of the sacral type

23. Four models of the doctor-patient relationship were introduced by

1) Paracelsus
2) Hippocrates
3) Robert Veach

24. The Hippocratic imperative to physicians, “Bring benefit and do no harm,” expresses the principles of

1) Justice
2) Beneficence
3) Nonmaleficence

25. The quality of allowing other people to say and do as they like, even if you do not agree or approve of it is a

1) tranquility
2) Patience
3) Tolerance

26. The ordinary meaning of _________ is that health care providers have a duty to be of a benefit to the patient, as well as to take positive steps to prevent and to remove harm from the patient.

1) the Principle of Justice
2) the Principle of Nonmaleficence
3) the Principle of Beneficence

27. A fundamental value and principle of medical ethics, which includes the secrecy of information concerning the patient is

1) a secret
2) confidentiality
3) a medical secrecy

28. A basic truth or a general law or doctrine that is used as a basis of reasoning or a guide to action or behavior is

1) a rule
2) a principle
3) a prescription

29. The principle of __________ might be interpreted as another formulation of the moral rule "Do not deprive of freedom".

1) respect for autonomy
2) confidentiality
3) nonmaleficence

30. ___________(or decisional capacity) refers to one’s ability to make a particular decision

1) Autonomy
2) Competency
3) Informed Consent