Тест: New English File 3rd Intermediate (READING)

Список вопросов

1. We change the expression on our faces when we want people to believe

1) what we're really thinking
2) that we're lying
3) what we're saying

2. Our body language shows

1) what we want people to think
2) what we're really thinking
3) that we always tell the truth

3. People who aren't being honest often

1) touch their faces more frequently
2) try to stop talking
3) touch their hair

4. People who are afraid tend to

1) cover their mouths
2) touch their noses
3) touch their hands

5. It's common to ____________ if we aren't telling the truth

1) use our hands more
2) use our hands less
3) look at our hands

6. To decide if someone's telling the truth looking at their hands is ____________ listening to what they say

1) a better indication than
2) just as effective as
3) not as effective as

7. When it comes to watching body language legs and feet

1) aren't as interesting as faces
2) are the most revealing
3) aren't worth looking at

8. If an interview's foot is moving he's probably

1) listening very carefully
2) not enjoying the interview
3) not paying attention

9. ______________ can interpret a person's body language accurately

1) Few people
2) Nobody
3) Most people

10. If a person's words and a body language don't match, we can feel

1) at ease
2) relaxed
3) uncomfortable