Тест: Global Issues

Список вопросов

1. Tsunami is...

1) a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land
2) a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round
3) a period of time with no rain

2. Avalanche is...

1) a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round
2) a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain
3) an extremely violent wind or storm

3. Drought means...

1) засуха
2) циклон
3) цунами

4. Flood means...

1) наводнение
2) торнадо
3) ураган

5. She had been .... underneath a five-storey building for 52 hours.

1) occured
2) horrific
3) buried

6. After a few hours, ..... by some local men and taken to the hospital.

1) massive waves
2) we were rescued
3) generated

7. Pollution is...

1) is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
2) is a widespread scarcity of food and can cause severe effects on global communities
3) a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living.

8. Famine is...

1) is the current rise in temperature of the air and oceans. It happens because humans burn coal, oil and natural gas, and cut down forests.
2) is a widespread scarcity of food and can cause severe effects on global communities
3) is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias.

9. Выберите правильное значение на английском к слову "бедность"...

1) war
2) global warming
3) poverty

10. Выберите правильное значение на английском к словосочетанию "исчезающие виды"...

1) famine
2) pollution
3) endangered species