Тест: The Picture of D.G.

Список вопросов

1. Where did Dorian and Basil meet?

1) At the park
2) At the art museum
3) At a party
4) At a private club

2. What wish does Dorian make that changes his life forever?

1) He wishes he would marry the most beautiful woman in the world.
2) He wishes he would never know pain or ill health.
3) He wishes he could have all the wealth in the world.
4) He wishes the painting would age, while he stays young.

3. Who does Dorian fall in love with?

1) Lady Brandon
2) Lady Victoria Wotton
3) Sibyl Vane
4) Lord Henry's Aunt Agatha

4. What does Dorian's love call him to her mother and brother?

1) Lord Dorian
2) Sir Gray
3) Prince Valiant
4) Prince Charming