Тест: Hospitality 1/4

Список вопросов

1. 93.If a Hotel experiences a fire, earthquake, or severe flood, the motel staff should

1) A. administer first aid as soon as possible.
2) B. activate each hotel room's sprinkler system.
3) C. call the appropriate medical professionals.
4) D. follow appropriate emergency procedures.

2. 94.To reduce the risks of air-travel terrorism attacks, airports require passengers to

1) A. follow security checkpoint procedures.
2) B. remain seated on airplanes at all times.
3) C. fasten their seatbelts during takeoff and landing.
4) D. board the airplane one at a time.

3. 95.Employers expect their employees to show their dependability by

1) A. asking for deadline extensions.
2) B. arriving at work on time.
3) C. telling coworkers how to do their jobs.
4) D. making suggestions for improvement.

4. 96.A job application usually requests information about employment history and may ask the applicant to explain why s/he

1) A. attended a certain school.
2) B. served in the military.
3) C. volunteered in the community.
4) D. left a previous job.

5. 97.Which of the following best exemplifies an individual's career progression:

1) A. Advertising coordinator, promotions manager, vice president of marketing
2) B. Sales representative, sales director, operations manager
3) C. Lead buyer, assistant buyer, finance manager
4) D. Accounts receivable clerk, production manager, human resources assistant

6. 98.Bahandi burgers s wants to improve its market share. This is an example of a __________ goal.

1) A. cultural
2) B. product
3) C. tactical
4) D. strategic

7. 99.Which of the following is a characteristic of the travel and tourism industry:

1) A. Organizes activities in a local community
2) B. Provides overnight accommodations
3) C. Arranges for meals for international travelers
4) D. Transports people to destinations away from home

8. 100.A station across the street is offering gasoline for five cents cheaper per gallon. The other stations in the area decide to lower their prices as well. This is an example of __________ pricing.

1) A. inflexible
2) B. competitive
3) C. unrealistic
4) D. realistic

9. 101.Aidana works at a hotel, and her boss expects her to book at least 10 rooms every day. What type of standard is this?

1) A. Quality
2) B. Quantity
3) C. Time
4) D. Cost

10. 102.Mountain View Steakhouse goes above and beyond to create an excellent dining experience for each of its guests. The steakhouse trains its wait staff to be courteous, respectful, and attentive to customers. Based on this information, delivering outstanding customer service is most likely a __________ of the restaurant.

1) A. primary risk
2) B. business strategy
3) C. public relations plan
4) D. core value

11. 103.Which of the following is a characteristic of product extensions in the hospitality and tourism industry:

1) A. Necessary part of the hospitality and tourism experience
2) B. Related to the original product
3) C. Expensive addition to a trip
4) D. Sold only to generate income

12. 104.When a business negotiates a contract that requires the vendor to arrange for transportation, the business is negotiating the

1) A. logistics.
2) B. premiums.
3) C. payments.
4) D. allowances.

13. 105.The communication of information about goods, services, images, and/or ideas defines

1) A. cultural trends.
2) B. promotion.
3) C. message channels.
4) D. demand.

14. 106.What step in the continuous improvement process will indicate if quality is increasing?

1) A. Documentation
2) B. Evaluation
3) C. Recommendation
4) D. Implementation

15. 107.To celebrate the end of high school and the beginning of college, Dinara is planning to spend three months backpacking through Europe. She wants to see a lot of sites and do a lot of things, but she doesn't have much cash to spend. Given his financial situation, what type of lodging property would you recommend to Dinara for his trip?

1) A. Extended-stay hotel
2) B. Sleeping room or hostel
3) C. Destination resort
4) D. Timeshare resort

16. 108.When processing a hotel reservation by telephone, it is most important to obtain information about the guest's

1) A. transportation arrangements.
2) B. dietary requirements.
3) C. seating preferences.
4) D. arrival and departure dates.

17. 109.To manage potential business losses, the first step a company should take is to

1) A. purchase liability insurance.
2) B. identify its risks.
3) C. determine the probability of losses.
4) D. respond to risks.

18. 110.Leroy Merlin, Papa Jones Pizza, and Any Time carsharimg are examples of

1) A. retailers.
2) C. agents.
3) B. industrial distributors.
4) D. wholesalers.

19. 111.What is a technique that often helps businesspeople to write effective business letters?

1) A. Developing charts
2) C. Preparing outlines
3) B. Consulting references
4) D. Asking questions

20. 112. Customer relations skills such as courtesy and friendliness should be emphasized during a business's

1) A. facilities design.
2) C. hiring process.
3) B. market research.
4) D. technology planning.

21. 113.A business improves its technology so it can better meet customer wants and needs. This results from a business activity known as

1) A. continuous improvement.
2) C. organizational structuring.
3) B. employee training.
4) D. business process management.

22. 114.Distribution channel members must keep in mind that customers tend to

1) A. expect low service levels.
2) b. want immediate delivery.
3) c. define service differently.
4) D. refuse late shipments.

23. 115.The things that people buy in order to satisfy their economic wants are known as

1) A. free goods.
2) b. tangible objects.
3) C economic votes.
4) D. economic goods and services.

24. 116.What do businesses often need to do to adapt to today's markets?

1) A. Remodel corporate facilities
2) C. Participate in international trade
3) B. Hire new management staff
4) D. Analyze organizational resources

25. 117.A major characteristic of a market economy is __________ ownership of property.

1) A. monopolistic
2) C. government
3) B. limited
4) D. private

26. 118.A business that encourages its workers to give input on issues affecting the company is using

1) A. quality of work life.
2) C. motivation.
3) B. specialization.
4) D. participative decision-making.

27. 119.Which of the following factors characterizes the growth phase of business cycles:

1) A. Demand for resources exceeds their availability.
2) B. Consumers and producers are borrowing more money
3) C. Consumers are putting more money into savings.
4) D. Producers are reducing their purchases of new goods.

28. 120.If individuals are not self-employed, which of the following is a type of earned income they might receive:

1) A. Vacation pay
2) C. Interest and dividends
3) B. Child support income
4) D. Trust disbursements

29. 121.What is P&L

1) A Payment and Loans
2) B Profit and labor
3) C Profit and loss
4) D Mix of food cost, labor cost and other expenses

30. 122.Which of the following is an example of external secondary information that a hotel chain might use for marketing-research purposes:

1) A. Suggestion cards collected from guests
2) C. Guest-registration data
3) B. Online industry reports
4) D. Occupancy forecasts