Тест: Animals

Список вопросов

1. Complete the sentences. In a female cow, milk is produced in the (вымени) and (выжимается) from the teats.

1) udders/extracted
2) extracted/chew
3) udders/remove

2. A cow’s mouth (приспособлен) for grazing.

1) produced
2) adapted
3) formed

3. A cow’s ears are very (гибкие) and can (поворачиваться) in any direction.

1) flexible/tear
2) turn/tiny
3) flexible/turn

4. Cows have long tails which they use to waft (насекомых).

1) insects
2) dogs
3) hens

5. Cows are (травоядные), which means they do not eat meat, only (растения).

1) carnivorous/meat
2) herbivores/plants
3) carnivorous/plants

6. Cows are (жвачные) animals, which means they have more than one compartment (желудок).

1) ruminant/head
2) flat/stomach
3) ruminant/stomach

7. Cows (глотают) their food (не жуя) it too much at first.

1) hold/without chewing
2) swallow/without chewing
3) swallow/ without drinking