Тест: Words from text 1

Список вопросов

1. Покидать

1) leave
2) forget
3) succeed

2. Добираться

1) get off
2) get to
3) get through

3. Взрослые часто забывают важную информацию

1) Adult always leave difficult information.
2) Adults often forget important information.
3) Adults often forget difficult information.

4. новая земля

1) new stable
2) new garden
3) new land

5. У них разные глаза.

1) They've got different eyes.
2) They've got difficult eyes.
3) They've got important eyes.

6. В его доме много растений.

1) There are a lot of trees in his house.
2) There is a lot of plants in his house.
3) There are a lot of plants in his house.

7. Before planting a flower she had bought a seed.

1) Перед тем как посадить цветок она купила семечко.
2) Она посадила цветок после того как купила семечко.

8. мой собственный мотоцикл (выбрать самый грамматически правильный вариант)

1) my own bike
2) my own motorbike
3) my only bike

9. Они никогда не забывают свои корни.

1) They never forget their seeds.
2) They never forget their roots.
3) They never forget their boats.

10. Им нужна лодка для успешной жизни.

1) They need a boat for important life.
2) They need a boat for different life.
3) They need a boat for successful life.