Тест: 3 күн ZERO ARTICLE

Список вопросов

1. Керек артикльді қойыныз. ____ tea

1) a
2) an
3) ____

2. ____ hapiness

1) a
2) the
3) _____

3. ____ water

1) a
2) the
3) ____

4. We live in ______ Almaty.

1) the
2) _____
3) an

5. Қайсы сөйлемде артикль дұрыс қойылған. 1. The your car is nice 2. We saw Eiffel Tower 3. I send Anna a email

1) 3
2) 2
3) 1

6. Артикль қойыныз. _____ Last night I was at home.

1) _____
2) a
3) the

7. Please, read _____ Capter Six.

1) a
2) the
3) _____

8. ___ arm in _____ arm

1) the, the
2) ____ , ____
3) an, an

9. I like playing ______ football.

1) the
2) _____
3) a

10. He is ____ teacher. He teaches ____ Maths.

1) the, _____
2) a , ______
3) the, the