Тест: Peripherals Devices

Список вопросов

1. Name the types of I / O ports of information

1) Parallel and Sequential
2) Parallel and Cross-shaped
3) Parallel and non-parallel

2. A device that is not located in the system unit:

1) video card
2) processor
3) scanner

3. The non-peripheral device includes

1) a hard drive
2) a printer
3) scanner

4. Devices that are not input devices:

1) scanner
2) monitor
3) mouse

5. What is used to connect a computer to the telephone network?

1) plotter
2) printer
3) modem

6. What is the device of the manipulator “mouse"?

1) reading information
2) modulation and demodulation
3) long-term storage of information
4) to connect the printer to the computer
5) input information

7. Which of the presented devices is used to enter information:

1) monitor
2) processor
3) printer
4) keyboard
5) ROM

8. What is a keyboard?

1) a manipulator-type input device
2) character information input device
3) information output device
4) character type information storage device