Тест: LESSON 3

Список вопросов

1. Choose the correct variant: study of tuberculosis treatment

1) anophthalmia
2) trichosis
3) phthisiatria
4) psychogenus

2. Choose the correct variant: psychologia

1) study of eye disorders
2) science of hair
3) bleeding from ear
4) science of mind

3. Choose the correct variant: bleeding from ear

1) otitis
2) otorrhagia
3) phlebitis
4) trichalgia

4. Choose the correct variant: phlebotomia

1) lack of hair
2) removal of stomach
3) cutting of uterus
4) cutting of vein

5. Choose the correct variant: study of hair

1) trichologia
2) anophthalmia
3) otorrhagia
4) gastralgia

6. Choose the correct variant: trichopathia

1) physician who treats children
2) disease of hair
3) study of tuberculosis
4) bleeding from ear

7. Choose the correct variant: inflammation of vein

1) phlebotomia
2) psychogenus
3) otorrhoea
4) phlebitis

8. Choose the correct variant: stomatoscopia

1) inflammation of vein
2) inflammation of lips
3) abnormal condition of hair
4) internal examination of oral cavity

9. Choose the correct variant: physician who treats children

1) paediater
2) trichorrhea
3) hypotrophy
4) phlebogram

10. Choose the correct variant: proctalgia

1) abnormal development
2) toothache (pain)
3) developing from tooth
4) pain of anus and rectum

11. Choose the correct variant: science about treatment of mental disorders

1) otorrhoea
2) trichorrhoea
3) psychiatria
4) spondilitis

12. Choose the correct variant: otitis

1) lack of hair
2) inflammation of ear
3) inflammation of eye
4) removal of bone

13. Choose the correct variant: study of eyes

1) hypoplasia
2) cheilorrhagia
3) psychiater
4) ophthalmologia

14. Choose the correct variant: bleeding from tooth

1) gastrorrhagia
2) metrography
3) odontorrhagia
4) otogenic

15. Choose the correct variant: phlebotomia

1) cutting of vein
2) bleeding from ear
3) study of eye disorders
4) inflammation of eye

16. Choose the correct variant: psychopathia

1) bleeding from tooth
2) disease of mind
3) treatment of heart
4) abnormal condition of skin

17. Choose the correct variant: internal examination of ear

1) enteropexia
2) trichorrhoea
3) phlebographia
4) otoscopia

18. Choose the correct variant: hypertrophy

1) abnormal development
2) study of eye disorders
3) developing from tooth
4) excessive nourishment

19. Choose the correct variant: disease of hair

1) trichopathia
2) angiocardiographia
3) keratectomia
4) cholecystectomy

20. Choose the correct variant: odontoma

1) fixation of kidney
2) inflammation of mouth
3) internal examination of oral cavity
4) tumour of tooth

21. Choose the correct variant: phlebitis

1) disease of mouth
2) tumour of cornea
3) disease of bones
4) inflammation of vein

22. Choose the correct variant: otogenus

1) developing from inner state of ear
2) developing from tooth
3) inflammation of vertebrae
4) science of skin

23. Choose the correct variant: absence of tooth

1) otoscopy
2) phlebotomia
3) adentia
4) phlebitis

24. Choose the correct variant: otoscopy

1) internal examination of ear
2) inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart
3) X-ray film of gallbladder
4) internal examination of nose

25. Choose the correct variant: developing from tooth

1) angiopathia
2) endosteum
3) odontogenus
4) odontalgia

26. Choose the correct variant: phlebogramma

1) cutting of vein
2) developing from tooth
3) study of eye disorders
4) X-ray film of vein

27. Choose the correct variant: discharge of ear

1) otorrhoea
2) anophthalmia
3) odontalgia
4) atrichia

28. Choose the correct variant: atrichia

1) without hair
2) abnormal development
3) disease of hair
4) bleeding from ear

29. Choose the correct variant: phlebographia

1) X-ray film of brain
2) inflammation of uterus mucous
3) X-ray examination of vein
4) internal examination of oral cavity

30. Choose the correct variant: gastrorrhagia

1) bleeding of stomach
2) inflammation of vein
3) tumour of renal pelvis
4) study of eye disorders