Тест: LESSON 2

Список вопросов

1. Choose the correct variant: angioma

1) disease of nose
2) tumor of blood vessel
3) inflammation of mouth
4) tumor of urinary bladder

2. Choose the correct variant: inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart

1) dermatitis
2) pyelotomia
3) pericarditis
4) nephroma

3. Choose the correct variant: angiopathia

1) disease of blood vessel
2) science of cells
3) inflammation of blood vessels
4) treatment of heart

4. Choose the correct variant: fixation of kidney

1) dermatitis
2) spondylopathy
3) proctectomy
4) nephropexia

5. Choose the correct variant: angiologia

1) science of heart
2) tumour of uterus
3) science of blood vessel
4) disease of mouth

6. Choose the correct variant: removal of uterus

1) arthrectomia
2) pyelitis
3) hysterectomia
4) endosteum

7. Choose the correct variant: nephritis

1) inflammation of kidney
2) abnormal condition of skin
3) science of skin
4) inflammation of uterus

8. Choose the correct variant: inflammation of uterus mucous (internal layer)

1) dermatosis
2) ostitis
3) endometritis
4) pyelitis

9. Choose the correct variant: dermatitis

1) inflammation of lips
2) tumour of renal pelvis
3) abnormal condition of skin
4) inflammation of skin

10. Choose the correct variant: study of diseases

1) proctologia
2) dermatologia
3) osteologia
4) pathologia

11. Choose the correct variant: pyelocystitis

1) removal of kidney
2) inflammation of kidney
3) tumor of urinary bladder
4) inflammation of renal pelvis and urinary bladder

12. Choose the correct variant: cutting of uterus

1) gastroscopia
2) enteropexia
3) hysterotomia
4) proctectomia

13. Choose the correct variant: osteoectomia

1) abnormal condition of skin
2) disease of bones
3) inflammation of nose
4) removal of bone

14. Choose the correct variant: abnormal condition of skin

1) dermatosis
2) spondylosis
3) cheilosis
4) angiomatosis

15. Choose the correct variant: colposcopy

1) disease of mouth
2) tumor of urinary bladder
3) tumour of kidney
4) internal examination of vagina

16. Choose the correct variant: removal of kidney

1) nephropathia
2) pyelotomia
3) nephrectomia
4) pyelitis

17. Choose the correct variant: gastrectomy

1) internal examination of oral cavity
2) removal of stomach
3) removal of anus and rectum
4) treatment of uterus

18. Choose the correct variant: disease of uterus

1) enteropathia
2) proctoscopy
3) metropathia
4) endosteum

19. Choose the correct variant: keratoma

1) abnormal condition of skin
2) tumour of kidney
3) fixation of anus and rectum
4) tumour of cornea

20. Choose the correct variant: inflammation of lips

1) proctitis
2) nephritis
3) cheilitis
4) ostitis

21. Choose the correct variant: osteopathia

1) disease of bones
2) inflammation of lips
3) tumor of urinary bladder
4) inflammation of nose

22. Choose the correct variant: stomatoscopia

1) inflammation of uterus mucous
2) internal examination of mouth
3) internal examination of nose
4) inflammation of nose

23. Choose the correct variant: nephropexy

1) inflammation of mouth
2) fixation of kidney
3) fixation of anus and rectum
4) internal examination of oral cavity

24. Choose the correct variant: internal examination of nose

1) rhinoscopia
2) cholecystopexy
3) perinephritis
4) rhinopathy

25. Choose the correct variant: spondylopathy

1) disease of bones
2) inflammation of vertebrae
3) removal of bone
4) disease of vertebrae

26. Choose the correct variant: inflammation of vertebrae

1) angiomatosis
2) spondilitis
3) dermatitis
4) spondylosis

27. Choose the correct variant: nephrosis

1) inflammation of lips
2) abnormal condition of kidney
3) treatment of heart
4) tumour of kidney

28. Choose the correct variant: tumour of kidney

1) nephroma
2) pyelotomia
3) osteoma
4) nephrectomia

29. Choose the correct variant: spondylitis

1) abnormal condition of skin
2) inflammation of mouth
3) inflammation of vertebrae
4) removal of bone

30. Choose the correct variant: removal of anus and rectum

1) osteocytoma
2) proctectomia
3) nephropyelography
4) metritis