Тест: Энергия растений переводы

Список вопросов

1. What theory explains the origin of mitochondria?

1) symbiotes
2) symbiogenesis
3) symbiotism
4) symb's

2. What plants have leaves?

1) higher
2) lower
3) middle
4) every

3. In which organelle does photosynthesis take place?

1) chemoplast
2) leukoplast
3) photoplast
4) chloroplast

4. What color are the chlorophyll?

1) yellow
2) red
3) green
4) orange

5. What is created from inorganic compounds in the process of photosynthesis?

1) organic
2) new inorganic
3) they are organic from the beginning
4) nothing is created in the process of photosynthesis