Тест: Idioms with "scratch" (verb) and "scratch" (noun)

Список вопросов

1. Just to begin doing something.

1) to scratch one's plans
2) to scratch the surface
3) Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours

2. To do everything from the very begining.

1) to do something from scratch
2) up to scratch
3) to scratch one's head

3. To work very hard trying to earn a living

1) up to scratch
2) to scratch one's plans
3) to scratch a living

4. To look for something

1) to scratch around for smth
2) to scratch one's head
3) to do smth from scratch

5. Very good, perfect

1) to scratch together
2) up to scratch
3) to scratch one's head

6. You help me and I'll help you return

1) Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
2) to do smth from scratch
3) to scratch the surface

7. To collect, to put together

1) to scratch a living
2) to scratch together
3) to scratch one's head

8. To think hard before making a decision

1) to do smth from scratch
2) to scratch around for smth
3) to scratch one's head

9. To change one's plans

1) to scratch one's plans
2) to scratch one's head
3) to do smth from scratch