Тест: Цитология переводы

Список вопросов

1. What is cell?

1) the unit of measurement of the organisms
2) the main structural and functional unit of an organism
3) always an autonomos organism
4) it's us

2. How prokaryotes can be decrypted?

1) before nucleous
2) without nucleus
3) after nucleus
4) with seminucleus

3. What does cytology study?

1) other sciences
2) humans
3) quotes of famous people
4) cells

4. What is homeostasis?

1) gamete
2) comet
3) stability of the internal environment of a cell (or an organism)
4) unstability of the internal environment of a cell (or an organism)

5. How eukaryotes can be decrypted?

1) before nucleus
2) without nucleus
3) after nucleus
4) with nucleus