Тест: Our 2019

Список вопросов

1. We first saw each other this year on...

1) January, 6
2) January, 3
3) January, 1

2. At Christmas, you...

1) made a snowman
2) cooked pudding
3) sang a song in Spanish

3. In January 2019, we played a computer game...

1) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
2) Sims 3
3) GTA 5

4. In February 2019, we played computer games such as...

1) Alice. Madness Returns and Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutles
2) Sims 4 and GTA 5
3) Sims 3 and GTA San Andreas

5. For my birthday, you gave me a drawing depicting...

1) kittens
2) owls
3) dogs

6. For the first time we visited Osipenkovsky in ... together.

1) June
2) May
3) April

7. On the same day I bought ... at the supermarket.

1) coffee
2) tea
3) juice

8. In the summer, we often played a computer game ...

1) Tomb Raider
2) Alice. Madness Returns
3) Sims 4

9. In June, we played computer games for seven hours because ...

1) our clothes were wet
2) it was snowing
3) it was raining

10. We celebrated your birthday in a cafe ...

1) Tofu
2) Celentano
3) McDonalds

11. You got ... from me for your birthday.

1) Set of pencils
2) Slime Set
3) Makeup kit

12. In the cafe on your birthday we ate

1) pizza
2) steak
3) burgers

13. On your birthday, we were sitting together ...

1) on the grass
2) on the ground
3) on a bench

14. At the end of July we went to the ...

1) beach
2) circus
3) theatre

15. There you ...

1) sculpted a sand fortress
2) dived
3) slept

16. In the same day, you also ...

1) quarreled with me
2) read my poem dedicated to you
3) beat me

17. On the same day, on the way to the beach, you were singing a song ...

1) Lubol'
2) Ass like Kim has
3) Shchedryk

18. It was on that day that you first ...

1) kissed my cheek
2) told me you hate me
3) insulted me

19. The first time I took you from a sanatorium in ...

1) August
2) July
3) June

20. When I took you from there for the first time we went to ...

1) the park
2) the beach
3) the cafe

21. We didn’t stay there long because ...

1) it started to rain with a thunderstorm
2) we were tired
3) had little time

22. That day we watched ... at home

1) news
2) a cartoon
3) a movie

23. On the second time we went to...

1) the anticafe
2) the amusement park
3) the zoo

24. There we ate ...

1) ice cream and french fries
2) porridge with meat
3) cotton candy and hot dog

25. On this day, for the first time in your life, you ....

1) drank wine
2) ate an octopus
3) took a ride on the Ferris Wheel

26. On the third time we visited ...

1) a museum
2) a zoo
3) an aquapark

27. There we saw ...

1) a dolphin
2) a crocodile
3) a shark

28. Then we ate ...

1) a hot-dog
2) a döner
3) a shawarma

29. In anticafe, we played computer games such as ...

1) Tomb Raider and Sims 3
2) GTA 5 and Mortal Combat
3) Sims 4 and GTA 4

30. At McDonald's we ate ...

1) salad and porridge
2) french fries and cheeseburgers
3) seafood

31. In another cafe, we ate ...

1) steaks
2) burgers
3) pizza

32. In the cafe "Tofu" we drank ...

1) coffee
2) juice
3) cocktail

33. In Osipenkovsky we ...

1) made a snowman and sang songs
2) were riding a bike
3) were fooling around, filming a video and read

34. At the end of summer we did not see each other because ...

1) you went to sea
2) I went to sea
3) we quarreled

35. In autumn, we stopped ...

1) kissing
2) joking
3) communicate

36. In autumn, you began to attend ...

1) a drawing club
2) a handicraft club
3) a music club

37. In autumn, we often ate and drank ...

1) tea and sweets
2) juice and pies
3) coffee and cookies

38. In autumn you first visited my ...

1) dacha
2) school
3) flat

39. One weekend in October we ...

1) watched a comedy, played games, visited a cafe
2) listened to music, danced, cooked
3) watered the flowers, cleaned the room

40. In autumn, you had to change ...

1) job
2) communication style
3) school

41. In autumn you gave me ...

1) a toy and a book
2) a motanka and a postcard
3) a pen and a copybook

42. On the birthday of our godmother, we ...

1) went to the cinema, watched TV
2) went to the cafe, sang songs
3) went to the park, listened to music

43. Recently we have started ...

1) to sing new songs
2) to play new computer games
3) to write new poems

44. In December, I have begun to call you ...

1) Fish
2) Kitten
3) Pampushka

45. We have never played a computer game ...

1) Tomb Raider
2) Need for Speed
3) Civilization