Тест: Adjective. Concordant attribute (Latin for foreigners)

Список вопросов

1. How many groups are the adjectives divided in Latin into?

1) two groups
2) three groups
3) four groups
4) five groups

2. What endings are there in the first group of adjective in Nominativus singularis?

1) er, a, um
2) er, era, erum
3) us (er), a, um
4) e, ere, eris

3. What does dictionary form consist of by the first group adjective?

1) Adjective in the male, female and neuter endings of different cases
2) There is no dictionary form
3) Adjective in the male, female and neuter endings in Nominativus pluralis
4) Adjective in the masculine form, the feminine, neuter endings in Nominativus singularis

4. What endings are there in the second group adjective with two endings in Nominativus singularis?

1) is, e
2) um, i
3) a, us
4) e, is

5. Which group of adjectives is "temporalis, e"?

1) 1st
2) 2nd
3) 3rd
4) 4th

6. Which group of adjectives is "petrosus, a, um"?

1) 1st
2) 2nd
3) 3rd
4) 4th

7. Where is the adjective placed in translation from English into Latin?

1) it doesn't matter
2) before the noun
3) after the noun
4) always at the beginning of the term

8. Is the term "os temporale" correct according to the rules of grammatical agreement?

1) true
2) false
3) I don't know

9. Which group of adjectives does the word "simplex, icis" belong to?

1) 1st
2) 2nd
3) both

10. Define the stem of the adjective: teres, teretis

1) teret-
2) tere-
3) ter-

11. Define the stem of the adjective: facialis, e

1) faciali-
2) facial-
3) fac-

12. Define the stem of the adjective: osseus, a, um

1) oss-
2) osse-
3) osseu-
4) ossea-

13. Define the proper translation: temporal bone

1) os temporale
2) os temporalis
3) osis temporalis
4) ossa temporale

14. Define the proper translation: palatine process

1) processus palatinum
2) processus palatina
3) processus palatinus
4) process palatine

15. Define the proper translation: frontal suture

1) sutura frontale
2) suture frontal
3) suturae frontalis
4) sutura frontalis

16. Define the proper translation: round ligament

1) ligament teres
2) ligamentum teretis
3) ligamentum teres
4) ligamentum terum

17. Define the proper translation: ligamentum laterale

1) lateral of ligament
2) ligament lateral
3) lateral ligament

18. Define the dictionary form of the adjective: cranial

1) cranialis, e
2) cranus, a, um
3) cranea, etis
4) cranium, i n
5) There is no proper answer

19. Translate the next term: deep cervical lymphatic node

1) nodus lymphaticus cervicalis profundus
2) nodus cervicalis profundus lymphaticus
3) nodus lymphaticus profundus cervicalis

20. Choose the correct answer

1) nodus lymphaticus
2) facies temporale
3) os sphenoidalium
4) vena profundus