Тест: Road construction

Список вопросов

1. Small rounded stones, often mixed with sand is...

1) sand
2) gravel

2. To cover an area of ground with a hard, flat surface of asphalt or concrete is ...

1) to repair
2) to pave

3. The strips of the ground which adjoin the carriageway are called ...

1) road shoulders
2) road heads

4. Surfacing is ...

1) the lower and the most flexible layer of the pavement
2) the upper and most rigid layer of the pavement

5. Cold mix asphalt is often used on ...

1) lower volume rural road
2) high volume urban road

6. Depending on the temperature at which it is applied, asphalt is categorized as ...

1) hot mix
2) cool mix

7. Asphalt is ...

1) flexible type of pavement
2) rigid type of pavement

8. A main, direct public way, especially a multi-lane, high speed connecting major population centers is...

1) road
2) way
3) highway

9. Asphalt uses ... as the glue between sand and crushed rock

1) water
2) bitumen

10. The road construction machine used for levelling the ground ...

1) excavator
2) grader