Тест: ICT test lecture-3

Список вопросов

1. One of the operating system types:

1) single user
2) software
3) hardware
4) windows
5) CPU

2. Find an answer that doesn't apply to applications?

1) MS Word
2) MS Excel
3) Unix
4) Page Maker
5) Corel Draw

3. Functions that system software performs?

1) reducing file sizes
2) time-based profiling
3) performance application programming interface
4) current interrupt systems
5) access time for hard disks

4. What is not the purpose of the application software:

1) management of shared resources and operations of the computer.
2) Assistance in working with graphics and multimedia projects
3) To support home activities, for personal business, or for education
4) monitor the execution of all other programs on your computer, including application programs and other system software.
5) To facilitate communication

5. The operating system is

1) a set of digital, text, graphic,audio Video
2) an electronic educational publication containing a systematic presentation of the training course and its section
3) a set of programs designed to manage computer resources and organize interaction with the user.
4) class of computer training programs are intended only for the presentation of educational material.
5) these are programs that, based on the task, do not which sequences of questions define parameters or characteristics trainee.