Тест: a test for the level of personality conflict

Список вопросов

1. Is it typical for you to strive to defend and follow the rules of your team?

1) no
2) probably not
3) most likely yes
4) yes

2. How often do you make critical judgments(суждения)?

1) almost never
2) periodically
3) rarely
4) often

3. Do you listen to the opinions of others?

1) no
2) probably not
3) most likely yes
4) yes

4. Are you having a hard time getting mad (вывести из себя) ?

1) no
2) probably not
3) yes
4) most likely yes

5. Who are you more?

1) enterprising (energetic, resourceful and inventive)
2) principal
3) a pacifist (one who is against any, even rightful wars)

6. I try not to react to complacent (самодовольный) people

1) no
2) most likely yes
3) probably not
4) yes

7. what is most typical for you?

1) evaluate your abilities objectively
2) underestimate your abilities
3) overestimate your abilities