Тест: КИС Барлыгы

Список вопросов

1. .. .When iron deficiency anemia in the peripheral blood is observed

1) erythrocyte hyperchromia
2) left shift neutrophilic leukocytosis
3) appearance of megalocytes
4) macrocytes
5) appearance of anuloccytes

2. .. For the hydremic stage of acute posthemorrhagic anemia,

1) normal content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin per unit volume of blood
2) reticulocytosis, polychromatophilia, normoblasts
3) neutrophilic leukocytosis with left nuclear shift
4) activation of erythropoiesis
5) hemodilutiion

3. .. .Acute acquired hemolytic anemia is characterized by

1) emergence of microspherocytes
2) development of neutropenia
3) appearance of microcytes
4) appearance of megaloblasts
5) appearance of erythrocytes with basophilic punctuatiion and Jolly bodies

4. ... Thrombocytopenia is characterized by

1) deficiency of plasma coagulation factors
2) hematoma type of bleeding
3) normal bleeding time
4) petechial type of bleediing
5) prolongation of blood clotting time

5. .. .Willebrand disease is characterized by

1) shortening of blood clotting time
2) violation of the adhesive properties of platelets and a decrease in the activiity of VIIIf
3) increased platelet aggregation ability
4) disruption of factor VIII synthesis
5) decrease in the duration of capillary bleeding

6. .. .The most pronounced stage of DIC in newborns

1) hypercoagulation
2) recovery
3) hypocoagulatiion
4) terminal
5) transitive

7. ... In hemophilia A, the destruction

1) prothrombin to thrombin conversion
2) third phase of blood coagulation
3) formation of active prothrombiinase
4) second phase of blood coagulation
5) fibrinogen to fibrin conversion

8. .. .Hypercoagulation of blood is observed when

1) excess protein S
2) factor V resiistance to protein C
3) afibrinogenemia
4) excess antithrombin-III
5) excess protein C

9. .. .Adhesion and aggregation of platelets decreases with

1) excess calcium and magnesium
2) excess thromboxane A2
3) increase in blood concentration of ADP
4) taking acetylsalicyliic acid
5) deficiency of VIII blood clotting

10. .. .Hypersegmented neutrophils are detected when

1) hemolytic anemia
2) microspherocytic anemia
3) B-12 deficiiency anemia
4) iron deficiency anemia
5) aplastic anemia

11. .. .In aplastic anemia, there is

1) erythrocytosis
2) absolute lymphocytosis
3) basophilia
4) neutrophilia
5) relative lymphocytosiis

12. .. .Disease associated with relative lymphocytosis

1) tuberculosis
2) infectious mononucleosis
3) aplastic anemiia
4) purulent infection
5) lobar pneumonia

13. .. .Reticulocytosis indicates (about)

1) replacement of red bone marrow with adipose tissue
2) activation of leucopoiesis
3) megakaryoblast hyperplasia
4) activation of erythropoiiesis
5) inhibition of hematopoiesis

14. .. .Severe erythrocyte hypochromia is characteristic of

1) hypo-aplastic anemia
2) anemia in diphyllobothriasis
3) Addison-Birmer anemia
4) acute posthemorrhagic anemia
5) iron deficiency anemiia

15. .. .Megaloblasts and megalocytes appear in the peripheral blood when

1) toxic hemolysis of erythrocytes
2) bone marrow aplasia
3) hemoglobinopathies
4) folate and vitamin B12 deficiiency
5) blood loss

16. .. .In the pathogenesis of hemolysis of erythrocytes in hemolytic disease of the newborn,

1) decreased activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
2) activation of membrane phospholipases
3) increased blood osmotic pressure
4) iimmune damage to the erythrocyte membrane
5) decrease in blood osmotic pressure

17. .. .The cause of toxic hemolytic anemia may be

1) hereditary erythrocyte membrane defect
2) long run on hard ground
3) incompatible blood type transfusion
4) Rh - conflict between mother and fetus
5) strep infectiion

18. .. .Extravascular hemolysis is characteristic of

1) uremia
2) sepsis
3) acetic acid poisoning
4) Minkowskii-Choffard disease
5) poisoning with hemolytic poisons

19. ... .Inherited

1) hemolytic disease of the newborn
2) marching hematuria
3) Neonatal DIC
4) thalassemiia
5) hemorrhagic disease of the newborn

20. .. Severe hyperbilirubinemia is observed with

1) thalassemiia
2) acute posthemorrhagic anemia
3) aplastic anemia
4) iron deficiency anemia
5) chronic posthemorrhagic anemia

21. .. .Iron deficiency in tissues with iron deficiency anemia manifests itself

1) development of edema
2) increased tone of sphincters
3) development of funicular myelosis
4) hair loss, brittle naiils
5) bulimic

22. .. .Switching from normoblastic to megaloblastic erythropoiesis occurs when

1) aplastic anemia
2) vitamin B12 deficiiency
3) alpha thalassemia
4) incompatible blood transfusion
5) iron deficiency in the body

23. .. .Redistributive leukopenia can occur with

1) torpiid shock stage
2) dehydration
3) after a meal
4) Rhesus incompatibility between mother and fetus
5) increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system

24. .. . Insert the missing link in the pathogenesis of vitamin B12-folic deficiency anemia: Vitamin B12 deficiency → synthesis of methylcobalamin → violation of the formation of tetrahydrofolic acid → ? → decrease in the processes of division and maturation of erythrocytes.

1) impaired fatty acid synthesis
2) impaired synthesis of deoxyadenosylcobalamin
3) violation of the formation of succinic acid
4) myelin formation disorder
5) disruptiion of DNA synthesis

25. .. . Insert the missing link in the pathogenesis of microspherocytic anemia: Defect → ? → violation of the elasticity of erythrocyte membranes → loss of parts of the erythrocyte membrane → formation of microspherocytes.

1) glutamine
2) spectrin or ankeriin
3) gem
4) valine
5) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

26. .. . Insert the missing link in the pathogenesis of erythroenzymopathy: Deficiency → ? → violation of the formation of the reduced form of glutathione → violation of the antioxidant system of the erythrocyte → hemolysis under the action of oxidizing agents.

1) hexokiinase
2) carbanhydrase
3) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
4) phosphatase
5) myeloperoxidase

27. .. . Insert the missing link in the pathogenesis of sickle cell anemia: ? → crystallization of hemoglobin during hypoxia and acidosis → formation of sickle-shaped erythrocytes (drepanocytes).

1) Impaired synthesis of globin alpha chains
2) Impaired synthesis of β-beta globin chains
3) Iron deficiency
4) B beta-chain globin glutamic acid replaced by valiine
5) Formation of methemoglobin

28. .. . Insert the missing link in the pathogenesis of B12 deficiency anemia: B12 deficiency → decreased methylcobalamin → impaired formation of tetrahydrofolic acid → impaired DNA synthesis → impaired proliferation of gastrointestinal tract cells → ?.

1) gastroduodenal reflux disease
2) hypertrophic gastritis
3) achalasia cardia
4) hyperchlorhydria
5) mucossal atrophy

29. .. . Insert the missing link in the pathogenesis of B12-deficiency anemia: B12 deficiency → 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin deficiency → impaired fatty acid synthesis → impaired myelin formation → degeneration of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord → ?

1) anemia
2) thrombocytopenia
3) leukopenia
4) funicular myelosiis
5) convulsions

30. .. .In the pathogenesis of a decrease in the number of red blood cells in vitamin B12-folic deficiency anemiia is important

1) iron deficiency
2) formation of antibodies to erythrocytes
3) violation of iron incorporation into heme
4) ineffective erythropoiesis
5) protracted enteritis

31. .. .In the pathogenesis of aplastic anemia,

1) appearance of anulocytes
2) appearance of megaloblasts
3) formation of antibodies to erythrocytes
4) apoptosis of hematopoiietic cells
5) activation of erythropoiesis

32. ... Nervous system dysfunction in vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is associated with

1) demyelinatiion of the lateral horns of the spinal cord
2) folic acid deficiency
3) lack of thymidine monophosphate
4) methylcobalamin deficiency
5) apotransferin defect

33. .. .Intravascular hemolysis is characteristic of

1) thalassemia
2) uremiia
3) sickle cell anemia
4) Minkowski-Choffard disease
5) microspherocytic anemia

34. .. .Acute leukemias are characterized by

1) leukemic cells retain the ability to differentiate
2) the presence of a large number of blast cells iin the blood
3) increase in the number of mature leukocytes in peripheral blood
4) increased resistance of patients to bacterial infections
5) lingering current

35. .. .Chronic leukemia is characterized by

1) extremely heavy and fast current
2) loss of ability of hematopoietic cells to differentiate
3) leukemic cells retaiin the ability to differentiate
4) sudden start
5) the presence of a large number of blast cells in the blood

36. .. Neutrophilic leukocytosis with regenerative nuclear shift to the left is seen in

1) physical work
2) vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
3) appendicitiis
4) agranulocytosis
5) aplastic anemia

37. .. .With beta-thalassemia, blood levels decrease

1) HbCO
2) HbM
3) HbS
4) HbA2
5) HbA1

38. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: leukocytes - 17.0 × 109/l; eosinophils - 1.5%; basophils - 0%; neutrophils: metamyelocytes - 4%; stab - 16%; segmented - 60%; lymphocytes - 15%; monocytes - 3.5%

1) Leukopenia, agranulocytosis
2) Neutrophilic leukocytosis with hyperregenerative nuclear shift to the left
3) Neutrophilic leukocytosis with hyporegenerative nuclear shift to the left, relative lymphocytosis
4) Eosinophilic leukocytosis
5) Neutrophilic leukocytosis with regenerative nuclear shift to the left, relative lymphocytopeniia

39. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: leukocytes - 2.8 × 109/l; eosinophils - 0%; basophils - 0%; neutrophils: stab - 0%; segmented - 49%; lymphocytes - 45%; monocytes - 6% In smear: hypersegmentation of neutrophil nuclei

1) Agranulocytosis
2) Leukopenia, neutropenia with right nuclear shift, aneosinophiliia, relative lymphocytosis
3) Leukemia
4) Leukopenia, neutrophilia with left nuclear shift, aneosinophilia, absolute lymphocytosis
5) Absolute lymphocytosis

40. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: leukocytes 10 x 109/l; eosinophils - 2%; basophils - 0%; neutrophils: stab - 3%; segmented - 45%; lymphocytes - 46%; monocytes - 4%

1) Neutrophilic leukocytosis
2) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
3) Agranulocytosis
4) Lymphocytosiis
5) Monocytosis

41. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: leukocytes - 11 x 109/l; eosinophils - 18%; basophils - 1%; neutrophils: stab - 2%; segmented - 51%; lymphocytes - 23%; monocytes - 5%

1) basophilia
2) myeloid leukemia
3) lymphocytosis
4) eosinophiliia
5) aneosinophilia

42. .. .15-year-old girl stepped on a piece of broken glass and cut the sole. On examination, a superficial laceration of 0.5 cm is observed, which stops bleeding 5 minutes after the application of a tight bandage. Which of the following substances localize thrombus formation by inhibiting platelet activation?

1) Platelet-activating factor
2) Thromboxane
3) tissue plasminogen activator
4) Prostacycliine
5) Thrombomodulin

43. .. .A 25-year-old woman has had several episodes of deep vein thrombosis in the last 10 years, and a year ago - pulmonary thromboembolism. The woman smokes. On examination: prothrombin time, APTT, platelet count and their functions were within normal limits. Which of the following is the leading factor in the pathogenesis of this pathology?

1) antirhombin III deficiency
2) smoking
3) hyperhomocysteinemia
4) factor V mutatiion
5) protein C mutation

44. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: erythrocytes - 1.8× 1012/l; hemoglobin - 54 g/l; color index - 0.9; reticulocytes - 0%; platelets - 94×109/l; leukocytes - 2.0×109/l; eosinophils - 0%; basophils - 0%; neutrophils: metamyelocytes - 0%; stab - 0%; segmented - 26%; lymphocytes - 63%; monocytes - 11%.

1) Lymphatic leukemia
2) Aplastic anemiia
3) Acute posthemorrhagic anemia
4) Vitamin B12-folate deficiency anemia
5) Myeloid leukemia

45. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: hemoglobin - 76 g/l; erythrocytes - 2.8 × 1012/l; reticulocytes - 0.3%; platelets - 55 × 109/l; leukocytes - 12.8 × 109/l; myeloblasts - 97%; promyelocytes - 0.5% segmented neutrophils - 2.5%;

1) Aplastic anemia
2) Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
3) Myeloid-type leukemoid reaction
4) Chronic myeloid leukemia
5) Acute myeloid leukemiia

46. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: hemoglobin - 58 g/l; erythrocytes - 3.1 × 1012/l; reticulocytes - 0.1%; platelets - 400×109/l; leukocytes - 81 × 109/l; myeloblasts - 4%; promyelocytes - 12%; myelocytes - 15%; metamyelocytes - 10%; stab neutrophils - 8%; segmented neutrophils - 37%; eosinophils - 5%; basophils - 9%.

1) Acute myeloid leukemia
2) Agranulocytosis
3) Undifferentiated leukemia
4) Chronic myeloid leukemiia
5) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

47. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: hemoglobin - 82 g/l; erythrocytes - 3.1 × 1012/l; reticulocytes - 0%; platelets 50 × 109/l; leukocytes - 1.5 × 109/l; lymphoblasts - 78%; lymphocytes - 13%; monocytes - 8%; segmented neutrophils - 1%

1) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
2) Undifferentiated leukemia
3) Chronic myeloid leukemia
4) Acute myeloid leukemia
5) Acute lymphocytic leukemiia

48. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: hemoglobin - 50g/l; erythrocytes - 2.0 × 1012/l; leukocytes - 128 × 109/l; eosinophils - 1%; basophils - 0%; neutrophils: stab - 1%; segmented - 2%; lymphocytes - 95%; monocytes - 1%. In a smear in a large number of bodies of Botkin - Gumprecht.

1) Acute lymphocytic leukemia
2) Chronic myeloid leukemia
3) Acute myeloid leukemia
4) Chronic lymphocytic leukemiia
5) Undifferentiated leukemia

49. .. .Your conclusion on the hemogram: hemoglobin - 64 g/l; erythrocytes - 2.05 x 1012/l; leukocytes - 84 x 109/l; blast cells - 95.5%; segmented neutrophils - 4.5%; eosinophils - 0%; basophils - 0%. The reaction to peroxidase is positive.

1) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
2) Undifferentiated leukemia
3) Chronic myeloid leukemia
4) Acute myeloid leukemiia
5) Acute lymphocytic leukemia

50. .. .For the bone marrow stage of acute posthemorrhagic anemia,

1) appearance of codocytes
2) appearance of megaloblasts
3) oligocythemic normovolemiia
4) neutrophilic leukocytosis with nuclear shift to the right
5) normal hematocrit value