Тест: Health quiz

Список вопросов

1. How many piece of fruit do you eat each day?

1) none
2) one piece
3) two or more

2. How many sugary snacks or drinks do you have each day?

1) three or more
2) one or two
3) none

3. How many portions of vegetables do you have each day?

1) none
2) one or two
3) three or more

4. How often do you eat breakfast each week?

1) never
2) once or twice
3) every day

5. How often do you do sport or play outside each week?

1) never
2) two or three times
3) four or more times

6. How often do you walk to school or other places each week?

1) never
2) once or twice
3) three or more times

7. How many hours of screen time do you have each day?

1) more than 3
2) 2 to 3
3) 1 or less

8. How much do you sleep each night?

1) less than 7 hours
2) between 7 and 8 hours
3) between 8 and 9 hours