Тест: The Possessive Case

Список вопросов

1. Глаза у собаки голубые.

1) The eyes dog's are blue.
2) The dogs eyes' are blue.
3) The dog’s eyes are blue.

2. День рождения моего отца в мае.

1) My birthday father's is in May.
2) Birthday my father's is in May.
3) My father's birthday is in May.

3. Это семья моего друга.

1) This is family's my friend.
2) This is family my friend'.
3) This is my friend’s family.

4. Я слышу голос моей сестры.

1) I hear my sister's voice.
2) I hear voice's my sister.
3) I hear sister's my voice.

5. Вчера вечером мы смотрели телевизор в доме моего друга.

1) Last night we watched TV in house my friend'.
2) Last night we watched TV in my friend’s house.
3) Last night we watched TV in house my friend.

6. Он показал мне письмо своей сестры.

1) He showed me letter' his sister.
2) He showed me his sister's letter.
3) He showed his sister's letter me.