Тест: Омонимия

Список вопросов

1. Katie will be coming _____ tomorrow.

1) here
2) hear

2. Sorry, I did nоt _____ you shouting.

1) here
2) hear

3. I am not sure if I _____ the answer to this one

1) no
2) know

4. The weather has been terrible during the _____ few weeks.

1) past
2) passed

5. Bill _____ the shopping mall every day on his way to work

1) past
2) passed

6. Our team had _____ luck in the final match of the season.

1) no
2) know

7. Joe was completely _____ in History lessons.

1) bored
2) board

8. We will have to buy a _____ TV set if this one goes wrong again.

1) knew
2) new