Тест: Тема 2. Present Simple [Настоящее простое] (тест 3 за 10.04.2023)

Список вопросов

1. Every time you __, I wonder how your mouth is still intact. (to yawn)

1) yawnes
2) yawns
3) yawn

2. Snakes __ fast. (to crawl)

1) crawles
2) crawls
3) crawl

3. Storm __ people (to scare)

1) scars
2) scares
3) scare

4. Bobby likes to __ on the lessons by Tuesdays (to snooze)

1) snoozs
2) snoozes
3) snooze

5. Bobby __ on the lessons by Tuesdays (to snooze)

1) snoozs
2) snoozes
3) snooze

6. Eddie __ when he cuts onions (to cry)

1) cries
2) crys
3) cry

7. Cedric always __ like horse (to laugh)

1) laughes
2) laughs
3) laugh

8. We __ on the top of the mountain (to stay)

1) stayes
2) stays
3) stay

9. My grandfather __ when he __ (to snore) (to snooze)

1) snores / snoozes
2) snore / snooze
3) snores / snooze

10. Joe __ every time he sees huge sea waves (to gasp)

1) gasp
2) gasps
3) gaspes

11. The lessons __ at 8 o'clock (to begin)

1) begin
2) begins
3) begines

12. Susan is a chef, she __ very well (to cook)

1) cook
2) cooks
3) cookes