Тест: Тема 2. Present Simple [Настоящее простое] (тест 1 за 10.04.2023)

Список вопросов

1. I __ table tennis. (to play)

1) play
2) plays
3) playes

2. You __ in Simferopol. (to live)

1) live
2) livs
3) lives

3. We __ songs every day. (to sing)

1) sing
2) sings
3) singes

4. He always __ his homework day. (to do)

1) do
2) dos
3) does

5. She never __ too much. (to sleep)

1) sleep
2) sleeps
3) sleepes

6. It usually __ in St. Petersburg. (to rain).

1) rain
2) rains
3) raines

7. They __ beautiful pictures. (to paint)

1) paint
2) paints
3) paintes

8. I __ for a walk every evening. (to go)

1) go
2) gos
3) goes

9. We __ eating pizza. (to like)

1) like
2) liks
3) likes

10. They sometimes __ to the theatre. (to go)

1) go
2) gos
3) goes

11. He often __ in our swimming pool. (to swim)

1) swim
2) swims
3) swimes

12. We always __ Brithday Party. (to celebrate)

1) celebrate
2) celebrates
3) celebrateses