Тест: Get

Список вопросов

1. Choose the correct answer My sister ... more polite as she gets older

1) To get
2) Get
3) Is getting
4) Got

2. Choose the correct answer I want ... you to try on this dress.

1) To get
2) Get
3) Is getting
4) Got

3. Choose the correct answer We'll ... your mom's house by seven o'clock in the evening.

1) Get
2) Is getting
3) Get to
4) Got

4. Choose the correct answer It's very difficult for me to get... the art block.

1) By
2) Into
3) Over
4) Through

5. Choose the correct answer You have a very big house, it took us half an hour to get...it all

1) Around
2) Through
3) About
4) Round

6. Choose the correct answer I don't want to get...with my studies, so I will study harder

1) Back
2) Behind
3) Fall
4) Loose

7. Choose the correct answer I don't remember how we get...

1) Meet
2) Date
3) Together
4) A couple

8. Translate a phrase Быть реалистом

1) Get real
2) Get your life
3) Get the facts
4) Get the thrust

9. Translate a phrase Поторопиться

1) Get to move of
2) Get to move on
3) Get it quickly
4) Get it faster

10. Translate a phrase Поступать по-своему

1) Get your step
2) Get your own way
3) Get your choice
4) Get your own path