Тест: Goal Setting Skills

Список вопросов

1. Do you spread yourself out thin trying to accomplish a lot of tasks?

1) Always
2) Most of the time
3) Sometimes
4) Never

2. Do you accomplish tasks effectively?

1) Always
2) Most of the time
3) Sometimes
4) Never

3. Do you know exactly what you want from life?

1) Yes
2) No

4. Are there too many things on your to do list?

1) Always
2) Most of the time
3) Sometimes
4) Never

5. After completing a lot of tasks do you feel like you're still overwhelmed of things you must do?

1) Always
2) Most of the time
3) Sometimes
4) Never

6. Have you written down where you want to be within the next 5 years?

1) Yes
2) No

7. Are you ever confused about what your exact purpose is in life?

1) Always
2) Most of the time
3) Sometimes
4) Never

8. Do you have a written Life Goals statement?

1) Yes
2) No

9. Do you delay activities and events you promised yourself you'd undertake?

1) Always
2) Most of the time
3) Sometimes
4) Never

10. Do you have a clear view of what your ideal future looks like?

1) Yes
2) No