Тест: Эвфемизмы

Список вопросов

1. stolen

1) turn a trick
2) fell off the back of a truck
3) chronologically-challenged

2. unemployed

1) between jobs
2) portly
3) departed

3. sex

1) adult entertainment
2) comfort woman
3) the birds and the bees

4. maid

1) departed
2) domestic engineer
3) sanitation engineer

5. died

1) negative patient outcome
2) departed
3) put to sleep

6. blind

1) unseeing
2) visually impaired
3) aurally impaired

7. overweight

1) portly
2) passed away
3) big-boned

8. to be pregnant

1) to be with a child
2) to take one’s own life
3) to await the patter of tiny feet